
Independent distributor Virgilio Gan of Xango Mangosteen Juice from Davao City in the Philippines. Xango is rich in anti- oxidant xanthones. Now opened in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand in Asia. Website:

Thursday, September 02, 2004

XanGo Philippines

I am Virgilio Gan. I am a XanGo Independent Distributor in the Philippines.
I live in Davao City, Philippines and I'm a real, live, breathing person and will be earning WEEKLY power start checks and a monthly royalty check, using the Internet, phone and email to market an incredibly exclusive, highly-desired, results-producing functional health beverage.
You too can own and operate your very own ONLINE Beverage Distributorship for as little as $35.
I'm new in this great industry (Direct Sales / Network Marketing) and have seen some ups and downs, some crazy ill-advised products and concepts attempt to come to market, and even watch people stake their reputation on a few schemes that have never stood the test of time.
Got tired of seeing all the hocus-pocus, hype, and pitches of grandeur, so I collected a few articles about it in an attempt to help folks come to terms with their very own answer to this question:
"If you knew, without doubt (meaning, success is a guarantee), that you could work smart for 24 months and then retire for life (with a $100,000 per year royalty-check)-- by marrying into ONE reputable, financially solid, established (but progressive) repeatable product-driven company -- why be in a hurry trying to work a small-fry money-making program or questionablebusiness opportunity?
"Owning your own XanGo distributorship, if worked and treated like a serious long-term asset-building venture (24 to 60+ months), can set you and your family up for life. Yep, this is a leadership-based work plan (that's why it's called networking), not a "something-for-nothing, sit-back-and-get-wealthy-overnight" plan. It's a long-term business model (24 - 60+ months)'s not Voodoo!
I'm looking for XanGo Partners who aren't afraid to do, for 2 to 3 years, what the average person isn't -- sacrifice a little (i.e., get out of the comfort zone, turn off the Electronic Income Reducer - T.V. - and learn, grow and develop as a person) so you can eventually walk away from your XanGo business with a self-perpetuating, 5 or 6-figure per month royalty check.
So, now that I got that off my chest, here's a longer letter that will give you more detailed insight into my background, business philosophy, and just plain why I do what I do; which is: coach and mentor like-minded people to achieve passive income using various XanGo automated marketing systems.
I'm looking to work with select people who have a desire for TIME FREEDOM in their life -- people who understand that you are really never going to get ahead unless you have a source of passive income: Income that keeps coming in every month even if you decide to roll out of bed at 11 am every morning or take a cruise around the world.I don't care what a person's background is, I just want to know if you are committed to yourself to making this year your best year yet and a stepping stone to a successful life.
I consider 3 qualities essential:
1) Desire (with it and the right direction, all things are possible. Without it, nothing is.) Our team can teach you the "How", but you must have a strong "Why" first.
2) Teachable (the quantum leaps for me happened with the help of the right mentor) Why is it that even Tiger Woods has a coach? ... a must to take it to the next level.
3) Commitment (Success is simple, given the right formulas, but without making a commitment to YOURSELF, it will never happen.)
I will work with you. I have made arrangements for you to also have a full support team and master-mind sessions with my mentors and a team of several others with outstanding track records of guiding people to serious results.
These resources will be at no cost as long as you meet the above requirements and keep the commitments you make to yourself.
For a start, I will give you a FREE Informational CD.
Then, take the XanGo Tour Here.

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  • At April 18, 2007 at 4:22 AM, Blogger alex said…

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  • At April 19, 2007 at 1:35 PM, Blogger alex said…

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  • At April 20, 2007 at 7:00 PM, Blogger alex said…

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  • At April 21, 2007 at 7:19 PM, Blogger alex said…

    .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

  • At September 2, 2007 at 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To explain this dream as a wish is easy when we remember that to be big is a frequently expressed wish of all children.. And so the feller took the box, and put up his forty dollars along with Smiley's, and set down to wait.. He was quite decently dressed in a baggy suit of black.. The young man, being for the moment at leisure, surveyed critically the gaunt figure, the faded bandanna, the antique clawhammer coat, and the battered stove-pipe hat, with a gradually relaxing countenance.. She proceeds laughingly to relate how her husband at an inn table had made the acquaintance of an artist, who insisted upon painting his portrait because he, the painter, had never found such an expressive head.. He liked his bills to be of all denominations, and some so large as exquisitely to stagger imagination, others charming by their number and crispness--the dignified, orange paper of a man of assured position and wealth-crackling greenbacks the design of which tinged the whole with actuality.. There was something cosmic about his attitude to life, and this showed in much that he did.. The following night she dreams that the same question is put to her, and that she replies with the formula: In case of subsequent orders it will suffice to mention the number.. that every dream analysis shows an interweaving of a recent impression, and that this recent element is frequently of the most indifferent character.. What do you say?' I told him that I had not the slightest idea of selling my spectacles.. Moreover, the thing had resolved itself rather into a contest between Ellsworth and himself, and he had done a little making and breaking of men and things in his own time.. I made effort to arouse myself by frequent aid of Lafitte, and all failing, I betook myself to a stray newspaper in despair.. Dennis, still confused, but flattered by the applause, to which neither he nor I are used, rose again, and this time tried No.. He wouldn't even mind if the whole Claiborne family died laughing at him--if only some power would raise him up from this paralyzing spot and put him behind the safe barriers of his own home! The old man's voice lapsed into silence; the light was becoming too dim for his reading.. Gideon had made up his mind, and if he had been told that they started in five minutes he would not have changed it.. The sending away of the little one, of the genital, in the first dream therefore also refers to the threatened castration.. We ain't calling on anybody.. I don't know, he said, in a lower and more cautious voice, what you mean by what you call 'my attentions' to--any one--or how it concerns you.. A small sign hung in front of the pictures to the effect that cheaper pictures could also be obtained.. Yo' betteh have some.

  • At September 4, 2007 at 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This was the means used by one who was troubled by a painful perineal abscess.. Her daughter Jane is in no danger of being ruled by any 'flattering tongue' of mine. Miss Lydia sat immovable, not daring to glance toward her father.. I sat by her side, looking into her eyes, smoothing her hair, folding her to my heart, which was sunken and deep--why not forever?--in that dream of peace.. Don't get out! Don't get out! exclaimed Podington.. The man entered with a nod and the expectant, inquiring look of a busy man.. We must make him pay ! Damages--and nothin' short o' that.. Podington, often with their families, visited each other at their country houses, but the fact that on these occasions they were never accompanied by their husbands caused more and more gossip among their neighbors both in the upland country and by the sea.. William, said his companion, you must sit down; if you don't, you'll tumble overboard and be drowned.. Brown herself used to say that the sugar in his'n turned to gall before the backslide ended.. Well--that was all I wuz askin' ye.. Here are problems which are only solved when the manifest dream is replaced by its latent content; it was an example of this kind, a complicated and unintelligible dream, that we subjected to analysis.. But I said, 'That's just where you slip up, Hiram; a pow'ful man like the Colonel knows everything--and I've seen it in his eye.. It must, therefore, give him all the psychological explanations through whose aid I myself have come to an understanding of his symptoms, and here I undergo an unsparing criticism, which is perhaps not less keen than that I must expect from my colleagues.. But when Champe's high, offensive giggle, topping all the others, insulted his ears, he stopped dead, wheeled, and ran to the porch faster than he had fled from it.. I thought perhaps he might want the money for some purpose before he came for us.. She was not where he had seen her last.. But I regard another point as important, and will here confess that it was on account of this very point that I have just undertaken this entire discussion concerning the two psychic systems, their modes of operation, and the repression.. [1] If the dream, which is the expression of some erotic desire, succeeds in making its manifest content appear innocently asexual, it is only possible in one way.. We have here long repressed memories and their unconscious remnants which, under the guise of senseless pictures have slipped into consciousness by devious paths left open to them...


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